Thursday, October 16, 2008

Editorial by Kurt Schulzke

This story is about one of our area coordinators:

Means-Enders of the left: Stealing Proposition 8 signs in California
by Kurt Schulzke on October 16, 2008
Why can't the anti-Prop 8 crowd play fair? They don't have the arguments, the decency or the integrity to make them. Instead, they resort to childishness or criminality — ranting, punching, kicking and stealing signs. Here's an eye-witness account from the Sacramento area:
Today [Tuesday, October 14] as I was driving home from work I witnessed and very nice lady stealing one of our signs!!! I quickly made a U turn and followed her to the post office. I parked behind her and approached her and asked "why did you steal our sign???"" She was dumbfounded and answered, "Well it shouldn't have been there"!! I told her that I was so disappointed to see that a very nice upstanding woman like herself would lower herself to steal a sign off a private property."
I said "you have a Obama sign in the back of your car, I don't steal your signs." I said it's funny, but she had "just confirmed why I'm a Republican, we don't steal, we believe in freedom of speech and have integrity!"
She didn't know what to say; she asked who owned the property. I told her some very intelligent people that don't like to be stolen from; could I please have the sign from her back seat. I told her also that I wrote down her license plate of her brand new Lexus, and that if the sign was missing again I would know who to report to the police. I promptly returned the sign! . . .
These people have no shame. It's as if their emotional and moral development suddenly ended at age 2. At one point will the militant gay community and its enablers grow up?