Sunday, August 10, 2008

Editorial by Dean Forman

Editorial by Dean Forman:

In 1532 a very politically courageous individual by the name of Thomas More stood up to King Henry the 8th who sought annulment of his first marriage. Refused by the Pope he then installed himself as head of the Church of England and set up his marriage to Anne Boleyn. Many of the Bishops wanted More to join them at the coronation of Anne Boleyn. To this he wrote “For some there are who, by first getting your lordships to be present at the coronation, will then get you to preach for its legitimacy. These desire to deflower you, and when they have deflowered you, then will they not fail soon after to devour you. Now, my lords, it lies not in my power if they devour me, but God, being my good Lord, I will provide that they shall never deflower me.

There have been many such “deflowering” events in our day; witness the usurping of power by our Supreme Court over the voices of the people to install “gay marriage”. Deflowering events have persisted throughout the last few decades. Politicians, athletes and Hollywood abound with their indiscretions, no fault divorce, rise of the pornography industry (even exploiting children), living together without the marriage covenant, the teaching of normalcy of the gay lifestyle in our schools, the vilification of the Boys Scouts and their stance of being “morally straight”, some churches ordaining gay priests and solemnizing gay marriages, and the promotion of such in the media and movies. Now we are at the “devouring” moment of marriage, where this final act has been thrust onto the stage by a usurpation of the authority of the people by the Supreme Court and a loose cannon attorney general rewriting the marriage proposal. Proposition 8 will protect an institution that has built and sustained civilizations and children through the ages… marriage between a man and a woman. Should this devouring act by our Supreme Court and Attorney General stand we will soon find ourselves saying as More’s predecessor Cardinal Wolsey just prior to his execution, “If I had served God as diligently as I have done the king, he would not have given me over in my gray hairs." Let us stand against this devouring tide against natural marriage and family and vote YES on Proposition 8.

Dean Forman
Past President United Families International of Northern California